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Apply for a Production Account

Please answer the following questions about your business. You’ll be asked to provide information to verify the business and identity of the primary business contact. This form should take you about 5-10 minutes to complete.

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Information About Your Business

The information you provide below will help us verify and understand your business.
Business Location
Business Details
Please note this phone number will appear on customer statements.
Please tell us about your business including what products or services you sell online and who you sell to. Your business must operate within the permitted use of Braintree services outlined in our Acceptable Use Policy.
Business Address
Staging Environment (Optional)

Beneficial Owners and Business Representatives

Tell us about yourself and all individuals who own, directly or indirectly, 25% or more of the business. This information is used to verify your identity as the authorized representative allowed to make decisions on behalf of the business and helps us understand the management structure of the business.

Card Processing

Tell us about your current and projected processing volume on credit or debit cards for items purchased through an online or physical store. This information helps us better understand the processing needs for your business.
How your business appears on a customers' statement
This will appear on your customers' statements
For start-ups with no processing history, we recommend entering $60,000 CAD or less unless you have some special circumstances around your launch. Otherwise, use your current processing statements as a guide.
Have you processed cards online before?
Do you ship your own products?
Do you sell physical products?
Are you processing Paypal Braintree In-Person payments?
Select Yes, only if you have confirmed this with your Sales representative.
What Currencies Do You Want To Accept?
Would You Like To Accept AMEX?

Existing Merchant

If you are an existing Braintree merchant, you can add this merchant account to your gateway by selecting yes.
Are you adding this account to an existing Braintree gateway?

Preferred Merchant Account ID

The merchant account ID is the unique name for your merchant account. It is used to call a specific account in your gateway in order to create a transaction. You can find more details about the merchant account ID here.

If you select No, your default merchant account ID is automatically generated.
Do you have a preferred merchant account ID?


Do you regularly charge customers at regular intervals for the purchase of goods or services?

Banking Information (CAD)

Please provide a checking account that settles in CAD ($). Funds are typically disbursed within two business days for approved merchants. Braintree will not fund savings, deposit-only, and prepaid debit accounts.
Account Information
Must be Canadian-based bank
Recent Banking Statements
These documents help verify that the bank account provided is valid, active and associated with your business. It also confirms that we route settlements to the correct account. Accepted file formats include PDF, JPG, or PNG. File size is limited to 10 MB. Adding recent banking statements is optional at this time, however we will request them during the review process.
Your application is incomplete. Please fill out all fields before submitting.

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